On Modified Extended Exponential Power Life Testing Distribution: Development, Properties, Characterizations and Application


© 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. In this paper, a flexible modified extended exponential power life testing (MEEPLT) distribution is proposed. The MEEPLT distribution has increasing, decreasing and bathtub hazard rate function. The MEEPLT density is arc, left skewed, right-skewed and symmetrical shaped. The MEEPLT distribution is developed on the basis of the generalized Pearson differential equation. Some structural and mathematical properties including descriptive measures on the basis of quantiles, moments, order statistics and reliability measures are theoretically established. Characterizations of MEEPLT distribution are also studied via different techniques. Parameters of the MEEPLT distribution are estimated using maximum likelihood method. The simulation study for performance of the MLEs of the MEEPLT distribution is carried out. Goodness of fit of this distribution through different methods is studied.

Annals of Data Science
